Thankful For Jesus

Thanksgiving is next week. Here are a few things about Jesus you can be thankful for.

Ephesians 5:20 tells us to give thanks for everything and it is important for us to thank God for all He has entrusted to us, but most importantly we should be thankful for Jesus.

God has a redemptive plan to restore the relationship between His created humanity and Himself. And Jesus was and is a part of that plan. Jesus was the ultimate sacrifice and was the “Lamb, slain from the foundation of the world.” (Revelation 13:8)

We have many reasons to be Thankful for Jesus!

Thank Him for His Deliverance (1 Chronicles 16:35; Luke 4:18)

One of the main reasons Jesus became man was in order to bring deliverance to the captives. “Deliverance” means a release from bondage. All of humanity was in bondage to sin and Satan until Jesus delivered them. Many are still held “captive” in Satan’s prison and Jesus is ready to deliver them from this bondage.

This deliverance is for all. It’s for you. Satan has taken you as a prisoner, and Jesus is ready to deliver you from Satan’s prison just as He delivered those held captive by Satan until Christ’s death. (Ephesians 4:8)

Some of the bondage that people have are:

  1. Bondage of the fear of death (Hebrews 2:14-15)
  2. Bondage of anything that “overcomes” you (2 Peter 2:19)

When God delivers you from bondage your cry will be like the cry of Israel after their freedom from Babylonian captivity (Isaiah 14:3-8)
Once you are delivered from the bondage of sin you become slaves to righteousness. (Romans 6:15-23)
Even God’s creation will be delivered from the bondage of corruption (Romans 8:20-21)

Thank Him for His Goodness (Psalm 106:1)

What does God’s goodness mean to you?

  • It means you have His blessings.
  • You have His joy.
  • You have all the good and wholesome things God wants to give you.

This is a goodness not so much as a quality but rather it is God’s goodness in action. A goodness that expresses itself in deeds. It is God’s goodness, that leads us to repentance (Romans 2:4). Thank Jesus for His goodness.

Thank Him for His Salvation (Psalm 106:47)

The word save means – “to free”; “to open wide”; “to get victory” “deliverance”, and “health”

We should thank the Lord Jesus for His salvation…for His victory.

1 John 5:4 “For whatsoever is born of God, overcometh the world and this is the victory that overcometh the world, even our faith.”

We are over comers. We are victors. It is through our faith that we overcome.

Your faith will give you victories over sin, and over trials.

1 Corinthians 15:57 “But thanks be to God which giveth us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.”

Jesus has offered us a “great salvation” (Hebrews 2:3)

Thank Jesus for the victory over death.

Thank Him for His Love (Mercy) and Faithfulness (Truth) (Psalm 100:4-5)

Jesus’ love endures forever! Oh that we could love like Jesus.

God’s love and mercy are very similar. But think just a moment about the Love of God. God’s love is unconditional. Nothing you do could ever keep God from loving you. It is comforting to know that Christ died for the ungodly (Romans 5:5-8)

What does His mercy mean to you?

  • It means you have His kindness and favor
  • It means you don’t have to fear Him with terror, but with reverence and awe.
  • It means you have His compassion and love.
  • It means you can cry out to Jesus and He will show His unending mercy in your life.

Think of how many times, it is recorded in the Gospels where people cried out “Jesus, thou Son of David, have mercy on me.”

Canaanite woman with the demon possessed daughter (Matthew 15:21-28)
Blind Bartimaeus (a part of faith, is “crying out to Jesus” in our need. (Lk 18:38) Jesus said it was Bartimaeus’ faith that healed him. His faith was evident in that he:

  • He recognized who Jesus was (Luke 18:38)
  • Persevered when rebuked (Luke 18:39)
  • Told Jesus what he wanted (Luke 18:40)
  • Followed Jesus and praised God (Luke 18:43)

God’s faithfulness and truth will never fail. It will endure to all generations.

Jesus never turned them away anyone who cried out for His mercy, and He will not turn you away when you cry out to Him.

Thank Jesus for His Love and Faithfulness.

Thankfulness is Demonstrated in Praise (Psalm 35:18; Psalm 69:30; Psalm 79:13)

Throughout scripture we see the combination of “thankfulness” and “praise”

Thankfulness and praise is a “public” expression (Psalm 35:18)

Praising God with singing ushers in the presence of the Lord (Psalm 69:30)

Our thankfulness and praise should be passed on from generation to generation (Psalm 79:13)

We can glory or triumph in the praise of God! (1 Chronicles 16:35)

Thanksgiving can be used to instill the values of loving God and thanking Him for all his might deeds.

  • Thank Him for His Deliverance
  • Thank Him for His Goodness
  • Thank Him for His Salvation
  • Thank Him for His Love and Faithfulness
  • Let your thankfulness be demonstrated through praise!

What other reasons can you find to be thankful for Jesus?

— Keith Fife


One Comment

  1. Did you mention healing? Of course that is covered in ‘deliverance.’ Psalm 139:17-18: “How precious also are thy thoughts unto me, O God! How great is the sum of them. If I should count them they are more in number than the sand: when I awake, I am still with thee.”

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